5 June 1998

x The Paperwork.

The Truman Show

I'm seeing movies again!

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms

Darin and I went to see The Truman Show today. Two thumbs up. That makes two movies in two days we recommend. I think both of us want to see The Truman Show again, as a matter of fact.

Yes, there are logical holes you could drive the space shuttle through--the entire world would turn into this poor schmuck's life?--but some of the "messages" are pretty powerful. There's one scene, well into the movie, where your position as voyeur becomes uncomfortable (and there's no sex in this movie, don't worry), and right there you realize the horror of what has been done to this man over 30 years. The most amazing thing about this scene is that several other people in the theatre thought it was hysterically funny. Talk about unclear on the concept.

We spent time over lunch trying to see how The Truman Show fits into the 3 Act structure, and it isn't at all obvious. We both liked Jim Carrey's performance--he won't stun you with his acting, but he's good.

Best throwaway joke: there's a scene in which Truman is in the town square, looking around. Behind him is a giant portal that has Latin words on it, and if you don't look at them, you won't notice (the director doesn't focus on this at all)--I don't remember the first part of the phrase, but the second part is "All for one." It totally cracked me up.

I learned something important: if you go to the Universal City Walk during business hours (Monday through Friday) you get a full refund of the $6 parking fee at the movie theatres! This makes going to the City Walk--which usually I veto because it's expensive and it's a hassle--much more attractive. The AMC theatres in Burbank are still better, but Universal is closer.

The whole Anthony Hopkins thing continues: the new trailer for Zorro looks great--much better than the one they've had playing for a couple of months now. I'm going to see it, even though Darin has assured me that I'm going alone.

Career Notes

Darin and I missed the showing of The Truman Show that we wanted to go to because at 9:30 this morning I got a call from Robert G., the Rewrite Prof, who wanted to talk about my latest rewrite of the Rewrite Script. You know, the conversation I had with Len yesterday?

Robert hated my Act 3. Hated it. Completely opposite reaction from Len, completely opposite suggestion about which way to go.

Well, no time like the present to decide what I want to do. And to learn how to take in feedback and apply it to what I'm doing. Because these two guys have no vested interest in my script, other than wanting to see a good script. Imagine if they were paying me to work on it, if they wanted to invest a couple of million dollars in making the movie.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

8.3 miles! I rock! (82 minutes)

I put a thermos full of ice water out on my front deck before I began running. Then I did the first part of my run, 5 miles, which brought me back to my house. I had a drink of water and then continued. This, I have decided, is the key way of handling my long runs.

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1998 Diane Patterson