October 8, 1997

x The Paperwork.

Plotting And Scheming

All I seem to do these days is plot against characters, well-known and otherwise.

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms


My math from yesterday has been pointed out to be faulty after all. I forgot to add -- or rather, subtract -- the Los Angeles Business Tax. So the take home isn't 29.5K; it's less than that per $100K.

Although someone did helpfully point out the use of the S-corporation when it comes to just this sort of problem, and your lawyer can earn his 5% the hard way.

This morning I worked on (quite successfully) the outline for my ER script for TV class. The teacher recommended that we outline each individual story, rather than try to outline the acts. Then, after she's reviewed each story and determined there's a beginning, middle, and end to each of them, we integrate the various storylines with one another, which will produce 4 Acts, a Teaser, and really vicious migraine headache.

I have two relatively sad/depressing/gruesome main stories, so I'm trying to lighten them up with some comic relief. You know, the ole "wackiness in the trauma unit" ploy. I also have to go do research on the gruesome parts at the library.

And, in my down moments, go back to plotting my feature.

I have to start keeping that journal with me that I started last year in screenwriting class -- the journal of story ideas, story development, interesting threads...I know that if an idea really interests you, you should be able to remember it. But I'd prefer to write down the really bad ones as well, just to be on the safe side. As one of my teachers -- Hollander, last year? -- always said, We have to go through the bad ideas to get to the good ones.

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1997 Diane Patterson